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  • ACRI

Use of Means to Disperse Demonstrations: Guiding Principles and Recommendations.

In protests and demonstrations against police brutality in recent months, the Israel Police has occasionally utilized means to disperse demonstrations (Hebrew), such as tear gas, stun grenades, rubber bullets, and more, against civilians exercising their right to protest and dissent. These means, considered "non-lethal" weapons, can be highly dangerous and result in severe injuries, disabilities, and even death when used disproportionately or without proper judgment. Beyond the physical harm, they also cause psychological trauma.

In 2016, Physicians for Human Rights and the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO), which includes the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, published the report titled "Killer in Disguise: The Health Impact of Crowd-Control Weapons." The report examined medical literature on the health effects of crowd-control weapons and presented case studies from around the world that shed light on the significant dangers associated with their use.

Since the publication of the report, more and more accounts have emerged about the dangers of using crowd-control weapons. A follow-up report by INCLO and Physicians for Human Rights, in collaboration with the Omega Research Foundation, examines the use of "traditional" means – kinetic projectiles (such as rubber bullets), chemical irritants (such as tear gas), stun grenades, rubber bullets, acoustic and sonic weapons, as well as the use of new means like drones and electronic devices. Alongside the new findings on the consequences of using these means, the report provides new and updated recommendations (Hebrew) concerning their production, procurement, and use.

LETHAL IN DISGUISE: How Crowd-Control Weapons Impact Health and Human Rights

LETHAL IN DISGUISE: The Health Consequences of Crowd-Control Weapons

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