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COVID-19: Rule of Law, Checks and Balances

ACRI petitioned against the Justice Minister for freezing the court system during the crisis. In the hearing held 2.4.2020, the HCJ justices proposed that the Ministry of Justice consider regulating the Minister of Justice's authority via the Knesset’s legislative power, instead of in emergency regulations issued by the Minister of Justice (18-03-2020).

Submitted position paper on the Speaker of the Knesset’s silencing the Knesset (18-03-2020).

Appealed to the Attorney General requesting that he instruct all authorities to work strictly within their given authority (22-03-2020).

Appealed to the Attorney General requesting that he instruct the government that it cannot implement emergency regulations from the moment that the Knesset is functioning, and instead must propose bills (22-03-2020).

Joined a letter with other human rights organizations to Benny Gantz and the Blue and White party demanding that they fulfill their promise to protect democratic institutions and uphold the rule of law (02-04-2020).

Sent a letter to Knesset speaker and chair of the Knesset Arrangements Committee demanding they cancel spring recess and continue to monitor the government’s actions (06-04-2020).

Appealed to Deputy Attorney General to require the publishing of administrative procedures and criminal enforcement policies of the various prohibitions recently disclosed in the orders and emergency regulations (06-04-2020).

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