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Security under Ben-Gvir: The police, the Shin-Bet and the national guard as forces of oppression?


Ben-Gvir, and his party’s sharp spike in popularity in the September 2022 elections followed a campaign based on the message of "restoring governance to the Negev, the galilee and mixed Jewish-Arab cities". This message appealed to voters' fears of ‘the enemy within’ that gained greater momentum during the internal violence of May 2021.

By continually using the term "governance" in relation to Arab citizens of Israel, Ben-Gvir portrays them as a dangerous group. He attempts to frame violations of the law by Arab citizens (building without permits, violent crime with-in Arab society or committing offences against Jewish farmers) - not just as criminal activities, but as a threat to the state and its legitimacy.

Following his election success, Ben-Gvir demanded the Internal Security portfolio (and renamed it National Security) where he is consolidating unprecedented authority of various security forces and ensuring their ability to act freely by limiting legal oversight and public scrutiny.

The full paper outlining the changes that Ben-Gvir has proposed to the police ordinance, the General Security Services (Shin Bet) mandate and the National Guard, as well as the expected impact of these changes on human rights, download the briefing paper:

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