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Fighting Against the "Loyalty in Culture" Bill


Dear Friends,

Earlier this week the Knesset passed the first reading of Minister of Culture Miri Regev’s “Loyalty in Culture” Bill which, if ultimately passed into law, allots MK Regev the authority to deprive budgets from cultural institutions according to her vague and ideological criteria. In short, this law and laws like it allow any MK to make decisions that affect the masses based on narrow political interests. The result is unparalleled damage to artistic expression and a chilling effect: an environment in which artists and popular icons self-censor in fear of their budgets being cut. So what will Israel’s culture look like if the law passes? We hope not to find out.

What can be done? This week, Dan Yakir, ACRI's Chief Legal Counsel, spoke in the Knesset against the bill, and continues to take action against this bill and others of this nature. You, too, are the keepers of Israel’s democracy – and there is no democracy without free speech. Make sure your voices, and that of all artists in Israel regardless of creed or opinion, are heard today and every day.

Help ACRI stop the censorship of culture here.

Sharon Avraham-Weiss

Adv. Sharon Abraham-Weiss Executive Director

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